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Vision Enterprise Platinum

Our proudly South African developed cloud based software allows for accurate customization and viewing. Our Platinum software tracks your employee Time and Attendance and integrates with the payroll software of your choice. Our Platinum range of software allows for optimal performance from anywhere in the world, with constant updates and new features being made available.

the latest features in vision enterprise platinum:

What is the difference between platinum and platinum lite?

Unlimited Schedules and Shifts
1 Schedule & 3 Shifts
Standard & Open Shifts
Standard shifts only
☑️ + Auto Shift
Night Shift Premiums
Day Shift Only
Grace Rounding Rules avaliable
Rounding before/after shift and during shift are separate and can be configured within certain time periods.
Docking options
Overtime Grace before and after shift
Clock for two Tea breaks, One lunch and break allowance available
Auto deduct lunch available
Auto deduct Tea break available
Auto deduct Break allowance available
Different types of reports
Report can export to Excel & to PDF
Automatically send via email
Multiple pay period options:
Payroll exports
Integrates with 12 different payroll packages
Integrates with 12 different payroll packages
Employee Import
No Employee Import
Employee Export
Roster Import
Shift Change Import
Staff Limitations
Up to 100 Staff
Live transaction monitoring
Automatic Backups & Updates
LTE Router
USB Download
Push Technology
Mobile Clocking Biometrics
Mobile Clocking App

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